Our Pastors

Millie Victor, CLM

From her start in Richmond, VA, Pastor Millie has come a long way…both in distance and in finding her spiritual place.  After working for 10 years in the special education department, in various schools within the East Hartford school system, serving 17 years on the board of directors for Parents Anonymous of CT, being a Webelo Leader for the BSA and a Brownie Leader for the GSA, Millie answered the call that had been tugging at her heart for a long while.  She began the route to becoming a spiritual leader.  After serving the Crystal Lake Church, as pastor for two years, Millie has joined with others to lead the worship services on the first Sunday of each month. She will also be offering communion during that service.

Wendy Young, CLM

Wendy has entered the ministry with her heart wide open. She has enhanced her preaching on Biblical topics with experiences in her own life. This vulnerability has endeared her to the congregations she has led over the past few years. Now, she is part of a team to lead the Crystal Lake Church where she will conduct the service on the second Sunday of each month. Her enthusiasm has prompted her friend Shirley to say that CLM stands for Certified Loud Mouth. We all love that Shirley!

Lani Armelin

Lani has been a member of the Crystal Lake Church for decades and has served in numerous roles. This will be the first time she has offered to lead a service. Her focus will be on bringing us all back in time to when Jesus (Yeshua, as he was called then) walked the earth and how his words might be understood differently in the light of those times and customs. She will share these insights on the third Sunday of each month beginning in August, 2024.

Pat Fleming

Pat is an amazing soul who never stops looking for ways to help others and make the church a better place. She is a strong pillar of faith who gives out the best hugs! She loved being part of the choir and now wants to share some insight into our favorite hymns, bringing out hidden meanings that we might never have guessed. She will be playing the hymns and putting a spotlight onto various features of them on the fourth Sunday of each month. She also loves to make soup to feed her lambs on the first Sunday of each month … and her crockpot always goes home empty!

Kevin Grimm

Kevin has come a long way to find his church home with his wife Julie at the Crystal Lake Church. Kevin finds music the perfect way to express his faith in God, both in singing and in motion. On the fifth Sunday of each month (those that have five Sundays), he will be sharing amazing music with us as well as his experiences over the years as they pertain to the scripture he loves. His stories are sure to be surprising and enlightening.

For prayer requests or confidential conversations, we can be reached by calling the church telephone number: 860-872-0798 or email Pastor@crystallakecommumc.org.